We can all do our small part to help the environment. From composting to using alternative cleaning solutions and installing greywater systems, here are some ways you can go green.

Garden Green

Our team is here to advise you on how to minimize your footprint and maximize your return on investment with drought tolerant and native plants. Native plants often require less water and less attention, and they remain beautiful year round. We’re happy to connect you with landscapers and consultants who can advise what plants will make the biggest impact in your yard. We also can connect you to programs that incentivize and reward green improvements with rebates and discounts.


Garden waste can account for one quarter of the garbage hauled from our homes. Composting fights pollution, reduces waste, and enriches soil. Get set to compost by attending a free backyard composting workshop at the Griffith Park Composting Education Facility, then you’ll be ready to start at home!

Install A Greywater System

Greywater systems capture gently used water from bathtubs, showers, and laundry and reuses it to water your garden and make it beautiful. It typically accounts for 50-80% of a household’s waste stream and can make a huge impact on reducing water usage.

Green Up Your Appliances

If any of your appliances are more than 10 years old, the EPA suggests replacing them with energy-efficient models that have the "Energy Star" logo. Energy Star-qualified appliances use 10%-50% less energy and water than standard models. The LA Department of Water & Power also offers rebates for switching to Energy Star appliances, so if you are making the switch remember to get a little money back!

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